Register for our CAS in Responsible Business Conduct now
We are excited to announce that the University of Zurich will introduce the online Certificate in Responsible Business Conduct (CAS in RBC). The Centre for Human Rights under the lead of Christine Kaufmann is organizing it, starting in February 2024. Space is limited so secure your spot now!
The UZHR is on LinkedIn and Twitter.
AHRI: Statement on the Russian Aggression against Ukraine
As a member of the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI), a global network of academic human rights institutes, we strongly support AHRI's statement on the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine.
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Agenda Kompetenzzentrum Menschenrechte
15.4.2025, 18:15: Foul oder Fair Play? Diskriminierung & Sexismus im Frauenfussball und die EURO 2025 in der Schweiz