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Centre for Human Rights (UZHR)

UZHR Education and Training


Certificate of Advanced Studies in Responsible Business Conduct (CAS RBC)

Since last year, the Centre for Human Rights at the University of Zurich (UZHR), under the direction of Prof. Christine Kaufmann has been offering a new Certificate of Advanced Studies in Responsible Business Conduct (CAS RBC). The certificate aims to support professionals and practitioners who wish to expand their skills in the dynamic field of responsible business conduct.

The CAS RBC is scheduled to start again in February 2025. The application deadline for the 2025 program is October 31, 2024.

The Certificate is in English and completely online. For more information about the CAS in RBC and how to apply for this program, visit our our CAS website.

UZHR-workshops for enterprises

Upon request, the UZHR organises customised trainings and workshops for enterprises. More information about our services is available here.

Weiterführende Informationen

Further education

An overview over further human rights training programms can also be found here: